Tuesday 28 April 2015

Review of a patient with Spinal Problems following Dracula PRP Therapy

I can 100% empathise with people who have pain due to Spinal Problems especially Slipped Discs and Trapped Nerves! I suffer with my Spine and unfortunately have had several surgeries and procedures which are ongoing!

When I saw my patient try to walk through the clinic door I immediately felt his pain. He could barely walk let alone climb onto the bed!

He was in absolute agony, muscles in spasm and he just could not function. Despite having physio with rest, nothing was working and he took to the Internet in desperation to find something to help!

He came across PRP and Dracula Therapy kept cropping up and found me and the clinic as I'm the only Medical Practitioner in Ireland doing this particular treatment. He says he knew there and then that this was the lifeline he needed and decided to try a treatment.

The results have been truly amazing as he is no longer in pain and is back doing his everyday activities! He says he has never looked back since that one and only treatment.

For full details on Dracula PRP Therapy, visit the clinic websites:

www.claudiamcgloinclinic.com and www.plateletrichplasmaireland.com

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