Tuesday 27 January 2015

Calling all Brides with Tattoos...

Are you getting married soon but haven't been able to find a dress to suit you because you have a Tattoo??? Do you have your dress but are not sure what to do to cover up your Tattoo???

Fear not help is at hand at the Claudia McGloin Clinic...We have helped a lot of Brides with their Tattoos before their Wedding Day!!! We have a couple of options for you which make it easier for you!!!

We can remove your Tattoo for you by means of Thermal Abrasion. It will take on average of about 5 treatments to remove the Tattoo completely although, we have seen Tattoos being removed with less sessions. It will all depend on each individual Tattoo.

If we don't have enough time for treatments OR you like your Tattoo and want to keep it but just want it covered up for the big day, then we can also offer you a Medical Camouflage Make Up & Concealer and we also have Skin Plasters that can be used to cover the Tattoo on your day...

It's easy peasy just make an appointment to see us and we will do the rest...

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